Teaching, Modeling and Nurturing Character

We offer a wide range of online and in-person programs for schools, businesses and community groups.
Virtual presentations include live and pre-recorded sections which allow for
quality, interactive online learning. All presentations teach, model and nurture a climate of caring that gives participants the knowledge and skills to carry on the message of the importance of showing good character.
All our presentations include ready-to-use, practical resources for administrators, educators and community leaders to assist them with character education lessons that reinforce and further develop the concepts presented.
We will custom-design a program specifically tailored to address the needs of your organization.
I Care
Grade: FDK – 2
Students learn ways in which they can show they care and why it’s important.
Concepts include how what children say and do can have a positive impact on those around them and how they can choose to be kind and caring.
Hands Are For Helping
Grade: FDK – 3
Students learn the importance of developing self-control to manage their behaviour in a safe, kind and responsible manner.
Concepts include age-appropriate strategies for peaceful conflict resolution.
The Friendship Promise
Grade: FDK – 5
Students learn about how to be a friend by using their words and actions in positive ways.
Concepts include recognizing when someone is upset and what they can do to help.​
The HERO Club
Grade: 3 – 5
Students experience bullying through the eyes of a victim, a bystander and an
Concepts include the importance of having empathy, standing up for
others and being confident.
Be a S.T.A.R. (Stand Together Against Racism)
Grade: 6 – 8
Students learn about the causes and effects of racism.
Concepts include recognizing racism and taking action to promote understanding, compassion and acceptance.
My Character My Rep My Decision
Grade: 6 – 8
Students learn that their character is defined by what they say and do. Concepts include personality and performance traits and accepting responsibility for their own reputations.
Cool 2B Kind
Grade: 3 - 8
Students learn the benefits of kindness to others, their communities, their families and themselves. Concepts include showing others they are valuable by how we treat them and how kindness to others helps us feel better about ourselves
Character Counts
Grade: 3 - 5
Students learn that character is classified into two main groups, personality and performance traits. Concepts include how personality traits and performance traits help us develop positive relationships and achieve excellence in life.
Honouring Black History
Grade: FDK – 5
Grade: 6 - 8
Honouring Black History with three African traditions: singing, dancing and storytelling with singer-song writer, children’s author and motivational speaker Errol Lee. Students are provided with a compelling look at the lives of members of the Black Community whose exemplary character has made a positive difference for their community members and the world at large.
Grade: 6 – 8
Students learn about the impact cliques have on their lives and personal choices.
Concepts include identifying the hierarchy and roles within a clique, ways in which cliques can influence their lives and the need for making thoughtful decisions about their peers.
Better Me Better We Better Community Concert
All ages- Fun for the whole family
Concepts includes how community takes unity and unity takes you and me to be the change we want to see.

My Character My Rep My Decision
Grade: 9 – 12
Students learn that their character is defined by what they say and do. Concepts include personality and performance traits and accepting responsibility for their own reputations.
Grade: 9 - 12
Honouring Black History with three African traditions: singing, dancing and storytelling with singer-song writer, children’s author and motivational speaker Errol Lee. Students are provided with a compelling look at the lives of members of the Black Community whose exemplary character has made a positive difference for their community members and the world at large.
Be a S.T.A.R. (Stand Together Against Racism)
Grade: 9 – 12
Students learn about the causes and effects of racism.
Concepts include recognizing racism and taking action to promote understanding, compassion and acceptance.
Grade: 9 – 12
Students learn about the impact cliques have on their lives and personal choices.
Concepts include identifying the hierarchy and roles within a clique, ways in which cliques can influence their lives and the need for making thoughtful decisions about their peers.
Grade: 9 – 12
When we look in the mirror we see what we think of ourselves. Concepts include how our perception and appreciation of ourselves determine how we treat ‘other’ selves.
Character Matters
Grade: 9 – 12
Based on a bullying incident, this true story forever changed the lives of two students and will change the lives of those who hear it. Concepts include how a decision made on purpose with an unintentional outcome can change the trajectory of a person's life.

Teaching In a Time of Covid
Participants – Administrators, Educators, Administrative Assistants
This program presents an in-depth look at the physical, mental and emotional effects Covid has had on staff members and the resilience they have shown throughout the most challenging circumstances.
Participants will be provided with opportunities to reflect on the effects Covid has had on them and to focus on ways in which to help themselves, their colleagues and their students throughout the uncertain conditions of a new school year.
Focus will be on ways in which teaching, modeling and nurturing good character will make the new school year a positive and rewarding in-person or on-line experience.
First Person
Participants: Administrative Assistants, Administrators
This program examines the vital role of administrative assistants.
Focus will be on the ways in which administrative assistants can facilitate positive relationships among staff, students, parents and community members.


Parenting and Character
Participants: Parents, Foster Parents, Grandparents, Guardians
This program examines the importance of caregiving adults in the development of a child’s good character.
Focus will be on the five most important traits necessary for adults to teach, model and nurture positive character in their children.
This Errol Lee concert provides a positive and entertaining experience for the whole family focusing on caring for each other and the environment.
This concert is the culmination of several days spent with students as they learn songs and dance moves in preparation for an Errol Lee concert. Students are provided with the opportunity to perform alongside Errol in a positive and entertaining experience for their family, friends and school community.
*We Care Concerts and Caring Kids Concerts can be sponsored by individuals, corporations, business owners and community leaders. We appreciate their support as we continue to make the world a better place through our message and our music.

We use music To teach, model, nurture character.